Sunday, November 6, 2011

Revised Scripts

Mon is surfing the internet for job openings.
Mons sighs deeply when he can't find jobs to meet his needs. Then he receives an email from the bank.
An envelope pops up on the screen. The logo on the envelope looks a tiny bit different but Mon does not even catch it and without hesitating he opens the mail by clicking on the envelope icon.
When he clicks, the envelope pops open with comments such as 'It looks like you are short of money' 'Well, we can help!' And then a hand comes out of the screen.
Desperate for some help, Mon grabs the hand and is drawn into the screen.
He enters a peaceful forest and a friendly looking being (A being dressed in white Nigerian traditional clothing: Nigerian Prince Scam) appears.
The "Nigerian Prince" at first politely asks Mon personal questions.
But as Mon gives more and more answers the forest gets darker and creepier. Pop up windows with suspicious ads peek through the trees and electronic hands from the pop up windows try to grab Mon saying things like "Hey Mon, tell me a little about yourself too!"
The being also become aggressive when Mon hesitates to answer and make attempts to escape.
Now the prince is wearing a black Nigerian clothing and laughing at Mon. In the being's hands are Mon's credit cards. As the prince laughs his face morphs into Mon's.
Mon is now running to escape the forest and at far he sees a red lit up box with a white 'X'.

Mon runs and presses the red box and is spat out back into his room from a pop up screen.
Mon is breathing hard still frightened.
Then the message appears "Just click out of it! Don't let them take you."

Mon comes home and as he walks in his mother asks him questions like 'did you eat?' and Mon not answering or listening to a single one, walks away with his fingers plunged into his ears and his mother sighs.
His dog follows him to his room with a toy and Mon's little brother talks to him 'Hey Mon guess what happened at school today?' but Mon shuts the door on them. The dog drops his toy and walks away and his brother sighs at the door.

Mon falls to his bed sighing and dust flies in the air from his mattress. The room is dark and the only thing we see is Mon sitting on an old bed.
A letter slips under his door. Mon opens it and it's an 'Outstanding Employee' certificate.
Mon opens his door and happily waves it in the air to show his family. 
But what he sees is not his family's living room but an old and dirty hallway. 
Now we are viewing Mons back at the door (his is facing the hallway) from a distance.
The room lits up to reveal that it is actually not Mon's room but his dingy apartment he lives by himself.
The message appears "Be there for them before it's too late"

Mon buys a bottle of orange juice at a newspaper stand on the street. He drinks it all right after he buys it and tosses it in the recycling bin but he misses.
He stares for a second and walks away with a careless face. 
The missed bottle then stands up, smirks then hops to other trashcans and knocks them down to release other 'trash' in the cans. The clan of trash then follows Mon and surrounds his walking feet. They pile up on each other so Mon will trip on them. 
Mon dunks himself into a dirty trashcan. 
The trash bunch looks down at him at the rim of the trashcan like the Gulliver's Travel (now we are in worm's eye view). 
In an over the shoulder view of the trash clan, we see frightened Mon shrugging in the trashcan. In Mon's perspective (back to worm's eye view) we see the trash jumping down towards the camera.
From a distance, we see an endless bunch of trash jumping into the trashcan and the trashcan shakes with Mon yelling.
The message appears "You are taking their's. Return most of what you can."

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